Windows 7, 8 or 10: In a Run dialogue, type mstsc.Windows 7: Click on the Start menu, then All Programs, then Accessories, then Remote Desktop Connection.Open the Remote Desktop application on your home computer.Most laptops imaged by SOM IT already have VPN installed. For help installing or connecting to the VPN, search for VPN on the UNC help page. On your home computer, connect to the UNC Virtual Private Network (VPN) if you are off-campus.It would be listed under device name in this screen. You can also right click the start button in the bottom left and click system to find your computer name. A screen will pop up will your computer name. To find your computer name press the Windows key and the Pause/break key at the same time.
It is also a good idea to get your computer name as well. Record this IP to use when using Remote Desktop on your home computer. yyy, where xxx and yyy are numbers between 1 and 255). How to Connect to Remote Desktop in Windows